Sunday, January 6, 2013

Here Comes the Feeling You Thought You’d Forgotten…

The synchronized rhythms of the drums, guitars, and piano fill the room.
With a well-tuned ear, they synthesize into a harmonious beat.
A DJ’s work is never done synchronizing, sequencing, amplifying, and mixing.
Playback, rewind, copy, and paste.  Repeat.
As one frequency crossfades into the next, the mastermind is already tuned into his next stroke, next move, and next effect.
The amalgamation of calculated measures and patterns entices the crowd and keeps them electrified for what might come next.
But what of the man behind the headphones so diligently scratching his turntable?
As I watch his movements and study his performance, the man is immersed in his element;
An element that allows him to release, express, and entertain.
He melodiously taps his left foot to the beat, 
His right ear shielded by the headphones that play his next tune, the left ear tuned into the current track.
Eyes fixated on the laptop that carries the hours of music, occasionally glancing down to the table to compose his next meter.
He is born with a God given gift for music and I find this man even more confident, mature, and attractive when he is “in the zone.”
He looks back and says to me, “Are you bored?”
The question takes me aback as I quickly dismiss his query.  
“Bored” is the last word that comes to mind.  
Enthralled, captivated, and transfixed are more in line with my thoughts at the moment.
A very familiar feeling has arisen from my being this last month.  
A feeling that I am attempting to quell, to quiet, and subdue, but one that continues to submerge every time I think of him and one that continues to grow with every passing day.
Sharing his music – his most intimate dreams, passions, and goals – reminded me of that feeling I’d thought I once forgotten.
There is nothing like seeing the man in your life succeed, progress, and fulfill the desires of his heart that Christ has placed there.
I believe in him.  I know his musical success is at the tips of his fingertips. 
But while God works out the path, timeline, and the series of events to lead him to his victory,
I am immersing myself in this overpowering, overwhelming, and magnificent emotion over and over again.
I hope to capture its heavenly harmonies and revel in its exquisiteness.  
Play it back, rewind, copy, and paste.  
Repeat forever.