Friday, August 1, 2014

Organic Chemistry

The energy between two locked eyes brought me back to the nucleus of fervid passion, lustful desire, and an uncomfortable vulnerability.
My balance of protons and electrons suffered an immediate magnetic moment – spinning its epicenter of mass at cosmic haste.
My internal equilibrium could not rationalize itself nor keep up with the electrifying tremor that permeated into my marrow.
The trauma assaulted my red blood cells as its white counterparts failed to preserve my health from the raid;
A violent and forceful invasion which left my body feeble, limp, and borderline anemic.
My pupils wanted to erase the image, look to another target, and distort the figure in front of me into an illusion incapable of retrieving.
But my optic nerves resisted the deception and refused to blur his likeness.
All it took was his eyes... 
A steadfast, intent gaze which created a vacancy in my electron cloud, allowing him to bond ionically to my heart, soul, body, and mind.
Ionic bonds exchange their electric charge with each other to adhere their atoms together. 
Their opposite attraction keeps them together as a unit.
His charged eyes grabbed mine, magnetically pulling me in with no prospect of resistance.
Chemistry, they call it.  Passion, they say.
Terrifying, hypnotic, and unquestionably debilitating, I say.