Saturday, November 25, 2017

Your Name

Gabriela Ruth – Both strong characters who God found favor with and chose to be part of his lineage and spread His message.

  • Means “God is my strong man”
  • Angel Gabriel who announced the birth of John the Baptist to Zechariah in Luke 1:11-25
  • Gabriel also announced the virgin birth of Christ in Luke 1:26-38
  • Also explains visions to Daniel
  • “He has a favored position as an angel who “stands in the presence of God” (Luke 1:19), and he was selected to deliver important messages of God’s particular love and favor to individuals chosen to be part of God’s plan.”

  • Means: “Friend”
  • “Ruth is an example of how God can change a life and take it in a direction He has foreordained, and we see Him working out His perfect plan in Ruth’s life, just as He does with all His children (Romans 8:28). Although Ruth came from a pagan background in Moab, once she met the God of Israel, she became a living testimonial to Him by faith. Even though she lived in humble circumstances before marrying Boaz, she believed that God was faithful to care for His people. Also, Ruth is an example to us that God rewards faithfulness: “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him”.
  • Faithful to mother in law and loyal to her family.  A “woman of noble character”.  (Ruth 3:11)
  • She made a covenant with her mother in law and God which she stuck to.  God can work in our lives to always influence the lives of many even when we come from different backgrounds (Ruth was a non-Israelite).
  • Gave birth to Obed who was part of the lineage of Jesus Christ.

Monday, November 13, 2017

For My Wildflower

My dear Gabriela Ruth –
“In a field of roses, she is a wildflower.”

As I seek to find the words to write you now turning 37 weeks pregnant and on the eve of your arrival, there are so many things I wish to tell you.  But today, I hope my words inspire you for the entirety of your life and encourage you to always live out the desires of your heart that God has miraculously instilled in you – divine dreams for your life that only our Creator can magically dream up and bring to fruition.  He knew you before I knew of you and He knew that this world needed you, for this day, for this moment, and for this year.  Every breath you sustain is His will and I know that though you are my earthly daughter (my wildflower) you are eternally His daughter.  I submit your life to Him and before Him. 

My beautiful wildflower, I want you to know that this nickname for you is one that I chose carefully and prayerfully.  I know that while wildflowers may be seen at times as senseless and erratic in nature, they are actually quite skillful and independent illustrations of flora.  Consider how they grow – wildflowers do not look to the left nor to the right when blossoming, and most times are not intentionally planted or seeded.  Yet these flowers sprout purposefully and faithfully in many flawed circumstances.  They do not plan their arrival or growth based on how the flowers or blades of grass around them thrive, but instead rely only on their own internal compass and upward faith to continue flourishing.  They are fierce, autonomous, and liberated.  Each one an individual and unrestricted by the conformity that lay around it.  They are open and uninhibited.  I imagine you one day living a life uninhibited by what society may tell you, what classmates or teachers or bosses might seek to instill in you, but still you remain unfettered.  I pray you always know whose you are – a daughter of a mighty King.  A King who has given you purpose beyond society and beyond the naysayers you will encounter in life.  Be a wildflower, my child.  Be free of all but Christ in your heart and you will find that happiness will prosper.  Be bold and fierce; encouraged by the spirit that lives within you and guided by the light that shines within (Matthew 5:13-16 NIV).  Like the wildflower, He will never leave you or lead you astray.  Do not worry about those voices on the outside, remain steadfast on the voice on the inside, the voice of the Holy Spirit.  Like a wildflower, your nonconformity to society and secularism will shine your uniqueness without fear and attract many that are drawn to your glimmer.  Just as a wildflower trusts in God to sway and propagate in whatever weather God sends it, so my prayer is that you too trust in Him to provide through whatever you may face.  “Consider how the wildflowers grow. They do not labor or spin…”  Luke 12:27 NIV. 

My child, “you have come to your royal position for such a time as this.”  (Esther 4:14 NIV)  You are chosen as an untamed beauty; wondrous in all your splendor and wind-swept ferocity.  Choose to standout, my baby girl.  Chose to be a wildflower – even in a sea of roses.

I love you forever, I love you for always. 

Your Mami,

Raquel "Daisy" Jordan

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Brickell Blues

**Dedicated to my city friends**
I struggle to envision heaven as an urban city - with highrises, concrete structures, bright lights, and busyness.
Blue graffiti coloring the worn gray walkways,
Hundreds of cigarette butts adorning the dirt and broken rocks which used to be grass,
Sod replacing the once naturally growing green blades,
Dull blue ocean water trying to clean itself with every crest, but instead discolored by oil, gas, and human waste. 
Its waves fall and crash into the city walls with a heaviness reminiscent of sadness.
A deep breath in of crisp ocean saltiness in Brickell and instead my nostrils are welcomed with car fumes and rotten fish water reminding me that this world is so far from God's design for Eden.
We've tainted earth for our own use and forgotten that true glory happens only through His name and striving to live His walk.
What world are we leaving our next of kin if not a world of lush green pastures where they can believe in His promises?
After moving from the biggest city in the country - New York City - working in yet another city reminds me how far sin has caused us to fall. 
So much corruption, no place of silence, no rest, nowhere to Sabbath or spend quiet time with God.
I ask myself time and time again why many flock to cities when the solitiude and introspection you recieve by spending time with nature and God eludes its inhabitants.
Perhaps cities and Christ are difficult paradigms unable to coexist?
I find it difficult to see Jesus within the busyness and corruption of urban life and unable to find His voice with so many distractions. 
I know He is ubiquitous but do we allow Him inside our office spaces and taxi cabs? 
Do we move beyond the guise of politically incorrectness and usher Him in?
My experiences in the last seven years of corporate urban life says otherwise. 
We are quick to disregard His word, forget our faith, and justify ourselves with what society and corporate wants.
I am not a city gal, never have been nor never will be.
But lately I wonder - is God welcomed in our cities?  Do we make room for His presence?