Sunday, September 27, 2009

Best I Can

I remember back in middle school when we used to be given those questions to answer - "Who is your idol?" All my peers and I would come up with some type of response with a celebrity, our parents, a teacher. But as I get older I'm starting to realize and question what an idol is. How can we idolize someone when really, we're all just imperfect people? Sure, there are different qualities in different people that we can idolize, respect, and admire. But can one person really do it all?

I'm feeling more and more every day that as parents, as actors, as entertainers, and as leaders - no one can really be that perfect idol. In this world, I feel like we all just try to do the best that we can with whatever is thrown at us. It's how we deal with those situations and manage them that define our personalities and make us the idols we can be. But really, we are all just trying our best and doing what we can living this human life. Being an idol seems like too much pressure... the only person who can really be an idol in all His perfection is God.

Time for me to get back on my Bible studies, Church visits, and gospel choir.... My life needs the Word and an idol I can hold til death. AMEN!!

1 comment:

  1. This is a perfect assessment...there is no perfection in human beings. Life throws us all kinds of balls...some we hit, some we dodge and some we strike out on. The best we can do is step up to the plate, swing and hope we get a homerun, or at least a hit.
    When we realize that we are imperfect ourselves, it helps us accept the imperfections of others.
    Idolizing someone is bound to lead to disappointment, but it is feasible to respect those who make their best efforts at hitting the ball...they may miss, but they are swinging
    If you want an idol, only God does fit that role...He embraces perfectly his imperfect creations, making us feel whole :-)
