Tuesday, September 29, 2009

4 Letters

L-O-V-E. They are just four measly letters, but put together, they are supposed to spell the most profound and deep emotions that this physical human existence can feel.

And I say “supposed to spell” because I often have doubts if this kind of love really exists.

We hear fairy tales and stories about how “he swept me off my feet” or how “I couldn’t live without him in my life.” But it’s just become meaningless words to me throughout the years. You can CLEARLY live your life without him - snap out of the trance, women!

I don’t think I can honestly say I’ve ever been in love yet sadly. I thought I was once for quite awhile, but it really wasn’t true love. It was forged, and the end of that relationship is telling of how forged our love was.

I honestly can't say I believe in true love anymore or that it even exists for everyone. Why is our life so defined by a series of events - love, engagement, wedding, children. ::Repeat cycle with your children:: I don't get why someone's life has to be defined by another person. Sure it'd be nice to have someone there for me all my life and actually be that support system. But I can't say I think it'll happen anymore. It's kind of tragic that at 21 years old, I feel like I've lost too much time to make something so Disney-magical happen. True love is supposed to end "happily ever after" with a prince that "makes dreams come true." False.

Even if I accept true love as a love that is enduring, supportive, accepting, and compassionate, I don't think any human being will ever give the kind of love that the other wants. How tragic is that? We go on thinking we'll find a perfect love or someone out there perfect for us. But I doubt that there is that special someone for everyone. I think some people can find a "perfect" match for them through Christ if they put Him at the center of their relationship, but outside of that I have my doubts of finding a person that really fits me or that I fit them. I've seen too many stories end in divorce, too many relationships that have problems, too many marriages that should not be, and it's just pointless. Some of us were probably meant to be single and unmarried.

Maybe I'm just pessimistic about the whole love thing, but I just can't see it happening for me. I've met many men in my time being single and many men have tried to be with me, get closer to me, etc. But I'm just not interested in any of the pickings right now. True love doesn't exist at the moment, I can't say it ever will but I am highly pessimistic. Who knows what God has in store, maybe I won't be as negative about "true" love if something comes around...slash, if it actually exists.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is a very pessimistic piece. Despite all the pain which I have been through ...all in the name of love...I can tell you that it does exist. True love isn't about the infatuation that you feel in the initial phases of a relationship (this is the feeling that Disney movies exploit because it usually makes us feel good.) It isn't about butterflies in your stomach, or about feeling like you will die without the other person; it is about sacrifice, companionship, support, caring and sometimes letting go. It is about doing for someone else even if it is not what we want. Love builds, it does not happen overnight. It is about experiencing pain sometimes, because only when we are in love will something which someone we love does, hurt us. The day we no longer are hurt by someone, is the day that the love for that person has gone. You have only just started to live...don't close your mind to experiencing anything (including pain.) One of my favorite poets, Lord Byron, once said that "the art of life is sensation, to feel that we exist, even in pain." Love is NOT about us, but about the OTHER. It is about what makes the OTHER happy. The most believable love stories are those in which a lover lets a loved one go because the other is in love with someone else...that IS true love. We can let go because we love and want them to be happy.
