Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Deafening Silence

I have no more words to tell you.
No more letters to splice together to tell you that my heart is lying on the railroad tracks waiting for its Superman to rescue me from the wreckage that is about to transpire.
No more phrases to convey that my love for you is as deep as the Mariana Trench – spurting explosive magma into the ocean abyss; impossible to see its brilliance with the naked eye, yet as extravagant and perilous as a Macy’s fireworks display for the fourth of July.
No more colorful expressions to illustrate the red blazing passion that radiates in my soul every time I hear your name mentioned or see a text from you illuminate my phone screen.
Honestly, I don’t think you realize that the edges of this smoky atmosphere do not even represent a fraction of how far I would travel if you needed me.
Yet, I have told you all of this before in not so colorful words.
And nothing was ignited within you.
Not an ounce of my love has permeated through your resistant walls.
Walls so steadfast that the even the Great Wall of China with its over two thousand years, are ashamed of their frailty.
I recently admitted to myself and a close friend that I continue to believe and hope that maybe one day those walls will crash as vehemently as the Berlin Wall; a day of triumphant success and vulnerability.
Although met with obstinacy to start, the results were a more unified people,
People who learned to accept their differences, and start a new nation filled varied in thought, morals, and emotions.
My friend replied to my bashful admission “There’s nothing wrong with having that kind of faith in someone you love.”
She was right.
But I struggle knowing that a man so put together and wonderful would awaken my love with no attempt to foster that love.
Instead I have been left with an emptiness in my ventricles and while my heart will eventually pump out the built up frustration, disappointment, and melancholy,
Hope will never be silent.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Sorry....I posted my comment on the wrong entry..Oops..LOL
    Delete my comment here. I posted it on the right one now but this one was BEAUTIFUL TOO...though a bit sad! MUAH! Adore You!!
